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Senior Services Coordinators
The Senior Services Coordinator positions are supported with OAA and local funding and range from part-time to full-time status. The coordinators perform a wide variety of job functions including the following: outreach, reporting, bus driving, composition and distribution of newsletters, planning activities, coordination with other community programs and services, and advocating for the rights of elderly citizens.
Cheyenne County:
Dana Ball, Cheyenne Wells
Carlice Boren, Kit Carson
Elbert County:
Kay Campbell, Entire County
Kit Carson County:
Lois Henry, Burlington
Renee Fritzler, Flagler
Louise Mills, Stratton
Lincoln County:
Elaine Covington, Arriba/Genoa
Keith Caulkins, Hugo/Limon
For information about how to contract a service coordinator in your area, contact the area agency at: 719-348-5562 -or- 1-800-825-0208