Contact Us
Can't find the information you're looking for? contact us via e-mail at
Looking for employment opportunities? all job openings are listed on the ECCOG website site
- OR -
128 Colorado Avenue
PO Box 28
Stratton, CO 80836
Phone: 719-348-5562
FAX: 719-348-5887
Toll Free: 1-800-825-0208
Web Site created and maintained by Terry Baylie, East Central Area Agency on Aging
If you wish, you may send us a message, we appreciate any comments or suggestions
The Prairie Development Corporation (PDC), a Colorado non-profit economic development group was organized to promote and serve communities and businesses in Cheyenne, Elbert, Lincoln and Kit Carson Counties of Colorado. PDC works to diversify the economic base of Colorado's central plains through a number of programs and services, including business consulting and lower-interest loans for startup and expanding businesses.
PDC also provides homebuyer counseling workshops, down-payment assistance loans and owner occupied housing rehabilitation loans for income eligible households. If you would like to visit the PDC's website, click on the link below.